Our ancestors around the world developed ways of communicating with Spirit, working with soul, and healing by connecting with nature. Many powerful healing modalities they developed are known as shamanism. The term shaman has its origin in Siberia, describing the person who sees through.
Central to the shamanic practices is the understanding that we are closely connected with the natural world.
This holistic view allows us to open to the wisdom of nature, to reclaim our authentic self and to live in harmony with all that surrounds us.
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.
- Rumi
Working with the energy field that surrounds the body of a client to promote healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
Recognizing important transitions in client's life and bringing sacred into everyday life.
Removing the old, stale energy and bringing new, fresh energy into your space.
Offering support to clients interested in following a detox program as described by Dr. Alberto Villoldo in his book Grow a New Body.
Healing practice through connecting to the universal energy and with the reiki symbols
UFH is a healing modality that supports health and bio-spiritual transformation. It shares the foundation of channeling universal energy and releasing energy blockages. It also works with client’s spiritual DNA axis and can bring a profound shift in consciousness. It was brought to Dr. John Ryan in a series of meditative visions.