Healing Practices

Shamanic Healing


Shamanic healing practices are based on the long time tradition of indigenous people of the High Andes, who knew how tightly we are connected with nature.

Mira works with the Luminous Energy Field, an invisible field that surrounds and informs our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. It contains the template of our health, how we live, how we heal, how we age, and how we might die.

Please note that the sessions are limited to the practice of shamanic energy medicine and not intended to diagnose or treat medical or psychological conditions or to provide medical advice.


Contact me for individual services. I work remotely by Google Meet, Zoom and Skype and in-person at Bright Moon Wellness. My fee is $100 CAN per one hour session. Visa or Mastercard, cash or e-transfer are accepted.

Illumination Process

Mira works together with a client to identify and release negative imprints in the Luminous Energy Field to change and repair the blueprint.

Extraction Process

Removing heavy and intrusive energies that are not part of the client soul’s expression.

Soul Retrieval Process

Mira journeys on the behalf of a client to recover the part of his/her soul that separated during a traumatic event and now resides safely in the Underworld, awaiting the opportunity to lovingly unite with the whole.

This process brings a profound sense of wholeness and well being.

Support During Dying and Grieving

Mira offers support during the process of dying, bringing conclusion and peace, facilitating transition, and supporting the family in their grieving process.
These rites can also be done for a person who died many years ago in order to bring a sense of  peace, closure and contentment to the family.

Rites and Ceremonies

Indigenous cultures are rich in rituals and ceremonies that are largely missing in today’s society
or they have lost their spiritual meaning. The life milestones  need to be adequately acknowledged.

Space Clearing and Blessings

You may be  moving into a new house or apartment or going through a difficult situation. Clearing and cleansing the heavy energies in your surroundings may be beneficial.

Support During the Detox Process

Mira recommends that if you are interested, read the book Grow a New Body by Dr. Alberto Villoldo, and follow the program that is described there in detail. You will be supported through the process of implementing the advice into your life.

Reiki healing

Reiki is a traditional Japanese energy healing technique, a holistic healing art that treats the whole self. It works by tapping into the energy of the universe, channeling it out of practitioner’s hands into certain areas of the body in order to heal and restore the balance.

It is a gentle and non-invasive process. It accelerates healing of illness and injuries, reduces side effects of drugs and treatments.                               It complements both conventional and alternative methods. The energy flows to where is needed.

My services are $100 CAD per one hour session. Visa or Mastercard, cash or e-transfer are accepted.

Reiki Share events are held once a month from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at The Bright Moon Wellness. 

Next dates: November 6th, December 11th

Contribution: $15. Registration is required.

Unity Field Healing (UFH)

UFH is a healing modality that supports health and bio-spiritual transformation. It shares the foundation of channeling universal energy and releasing energy blockages. It also works with client’s spiritual DNA axis and can bring a profound shift in consciousness. It was brought to Dr. John Ryan in a series of meditative visions.

UFH is intended to facilitate physical, emotional and mental transformation through recalibration of your spiritual DNA system. Initially it is performed in a series of three energy sessions. Session 3 can be repeated as needed.

In Session 1 the work is performed by bridging and strengthening the alignment with your own DNA axis.

In Session 2 the work continues with an attunement to an interdimensional light pattern. This deeply restorative session forms the basis for more personalized work within the healing journey.

Session 3 brings targeted intentional support, addressing specific physical, emotional, psychological or relationship issues. It also supports spiritual expansion and higher consciousness integration. Each session is tailored to the client’s unique intention.

I offer this healing modality at the Bright Moon Wellness. Introductory price for 3 sessions is $150 (each session takes 60 minutes). After completing the protocol, Session 3 can be booked alone for $100. Visa, Mastercard, e-transfer and cash are accepted.