Unity Field Healing (UFH)

UFH is a healing modality brought forward in the last decade by Ottawa’s Dr. John Ryan, MD.

Dr. Ryan is an interesting person, with one leg firmly grounded in the ordinary world and another leg in a quantum, spiritual world. He is home in both worlds.

I met Dr. Ryan in 2016 at a little book store on Main street where he introduced his new book The Missing Pill (2nd edition was renamed Unity Field Healing).
I was mesmerized by his presentation and later by the book. I started to follow his spiritual work, attending his lectures, workshops and, in 2019, his training for UFH practitioners. I went to training again in late 2019 and then recently in September 2023. For the third time!

UFH is a powerful energetic modality based on the new energy present on our planet today. It integrates ancient wisdom, quantum physics and energy healing principles to facilitate profound conscious and energetic alignment shifts.
It promotes physical, emotional and ancestral healing and transformation through recalibration of the quantum (or spiritual) DNA.

UFH is offered through a progression of 3 sessions - with sessions 1 and 2 setting up “intentional” client work in session 3.

Session 1: Self Attunement
It works to bridge and strengthen the alignment with our own quantum DNA axis and spiritual DNA blueprint.

Session 2: Template Attunement
It provides a personal attunement to the UFH (light) template, which makes the foundation needed to begin working more personally in session 3.

Session 3: Targeted Intentional Support
It provides an energy session aligned with a specific personal intention for healing.
These “intentions” may include physical, emotional, psychological or relationship issues.

Simply put, UFH works at the deep, quantum level, helping to shift and recalibrate energy that is not in line with our highest potential.
It offers trans-formative support allowing clients to relax as they release patterns and beliefs that no longer serve them.

UFH is a tool for multidimensional transformation.

Traditional energy based therapies work to transfer energy or to clear blockages. UFH, however, works through the quantum field of energy of our personal DNA and uses a quantum field light template known as UFH Template, to create an alignment with your deeper healing potential. It calls upon humanity to embrace their role as conscious stewards of the Earth and catalysts for personal and planetary healing.

As mystical as it sounds, we can learn all about it and experience it for ourselves.

Our Services

Shamanic Healing Practices

Working with the energy field that surrounds the body of a client to promote healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

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Shamanic Rites & Ceremonies

Recognizing important transitions in client's life and bringing sacred into everyday life.

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Space Clearing & Blessing

Removing the old, stale energy and bringing new, fresh energy into your space.

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Supporting the Detox process

Offering support to clients interested in following a detox program described by Dr. Alberto Villoldo in his book Grow a New Body

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Reiki Healing

Healing practice through connecting to the universal energy and with the reiki symbols

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Unity Field Healing (UFH)

UFH is a healing modality that supports health and bio-spiritual transformation. It shares the foundation of channeling universal energy and releasing energy blockages. It also works with client’s spiritual DNA axis and can bring a profound shift in consciousness. It was brought to Dr. John Ryan in a series of meditative visions.

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